Saint Davids House (Swansea) - 01792 472922
Werndale (Carmarthen) - 01267 225600
Morriston Hospital P.A - 01792 703172
WestWalesSpine treatment of back pain in South Wales
Mr. Navin P. Verghese
BSc.(hons), MB.BS(Lon), M.R.C.S(Ed), MSc., F.R.C.S(Tr & Orth)
the Field in
Spinal Treatment
# 1 in lower back and neck injuries
Who are we?
West Wales Spine is a multidisciplinary team of highly trained healthcare professionals led by Mr. Navin Verghese, Consultant Spinal Surgeon based in Saint Davids House/ Sancta Maria Hospital (Swansea) and BMI Werndale (Carmarthen). He also holds a substantive full time NHS consultant post in University Hospital Wales Hospital, Morriston.
Below is an overview regarding the services we provide. However, if you have any further queries or wish to book a consultation do not hesitate to contact us.
Diagnostic Imaging
Diagnostic imaging lets doctors look inside your body for clues about a medical condition. A variety of machines and techniques can create pictures of the structures and activities inside your body. The type of imaging we may use will depend on your symptoms and the part of your body being examined. They include
Many imaging tests are painless and easy. Some require you to stay still for a long time inside a machine. This can be uncomfortable. Certain tests involve exposure to a small amount of radiation.
West Wales Spine offer access to state of the art diagnostics with highly a experienced team of radiographers and radiologists allowing for rapid evaluation, diagnosis and treatment.
We have recently partnered with the research unit in the Institute of Life Sciences, Swansea University to provide the majority of our diagnostic services. This allows rapid access to the most cutting edge technology available in Wales. This partnership being the first of its kind in South Wales.
We also provide many "in-house" diagnostics at both the Saint Davids house/Sancta Maria and Werndale sites frequently available during your initial consultation.
Non Surgical Treatments
The majority of spinal problems are extremely responsive to non surgical intervention. West Wales Spine offer a full range of pain management strategies involving the co-ordinated effort of a team of physicians and physiotherapists. We also offer contemporary spinal injection therapy at all our sites at a time and place that is convenient for you.
Surgical Options
There are certain circumstances where ultimately surgery will have to be considered to treat your spinal disorder to achieve meaningful and long lasting relief of your symptoms. West Wales Spine provide evidence based surgical options and excel in state of the art minimally invasive techniques to minimize post operative pain and hence improve the recovery period. We are constantly auditing and researching our techniques to improve and optimize patient outcomes. Mr. Navin Verghese also participates in the British Spine Registry.